A Special Message from Dr. Hoffman...
For my listeners—
I’ve long extolled the benefits of good quality olive oil as part of a healthy diet, and today I want to share with you an opportunity to try some of my favorites.
As one part of the Intelligent Medicine community, you’re entitled to receive, for just $1, a $39 bottle of one of the world’s finest artisanal olive oils.
Here’s what makes this oil really special: it was just pressed at the new harvest, so it’s bursting with more plucked-from-the-tree flavor than any olive oil you’ve ever tasted.
It’s yours for just $1 to help cover shipping as your introduction to the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club for passionate olive oil lovers like myself. I’ve been a member of this unique club for several years, and their oils are far and away my favorites.
Best of all, unlike with other clubs, there’s never a commitment or obligation to buy anything else, now or ever.
As you’ll discover, there’s no olive oil in stores that can compare with fresh-pressed olive oil. Here’s why.
This olive oil is shipped to you direct from the latest harvests at award-winning artisanal farms around the world. This freshness makes such a difference because the olive, after all, is a fruit. Similar to other “fruit juices,” olive oil is at its peak of flavor and nutritional potency right after pressing.
In contrast, store-bought olive oils can sit on the shelf for months, even years, growing stale, musty, and rancid.
As you’ll taste for yourself for just one buck, these fresh-pressed olive oils take your favorite dishes to new heights of flavor. I know this personally because one of the ways I relax is by puttering around my kitchen. I happily drizzle these scrumptious oils over my Greek shrimp salad, bay-steamed halibut, baked wild salmon, balsamic chicken salad, julienne green beans and other veggies, just to mention a few of my “specialties of the house.”
And it’s not just the fresh-pressed flavor I’m after. These harvest-fresh extra virgin olive oils are bursting with off-the-charts levels of polyphenols and antioxidants. These are among the nutrients that make olive oil renowned for its health benefits. And they are most abundant when olive oil is harvest-fresh.
In studies, these nutrients have been shown to be associated with lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. They may also help protect you against other conditions such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and even certain cancers.
If you’re trying to lose weight on a low-carb diet, olive oil can be a godsend. It has zero carbs, yet adds so much flavor to your favorite dishes. As a healthy fat, it tamps down your “hunger hormones” and lets you feel full and satisfied long after meals. It also helps to flip on your body’s “fat-burning switch,” making it easier for your metabolism to burn off stubborn fat from other parts of your body.
So whether you’re on Atkins, Salad and Salmon, Paleo, Whole30, wild food, or the ketogenic diet, I consider extra virgin olive oil a wonderful addition to your quest for a healthy, fit lifestyle.
The Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club makes it so easy to try their delicious oils with their generous $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck offer. To get your $39 bottle for just $1 and read the fascinating story behind these astonishingly flavorful harvest-fresh oils, just click here...
Visit Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil ClubYours for good health,
Dr. Ronald Hoffman